The Hangzhou Hash is usually held every two weeks, but it may be less frequent in the holiday season or hot summer.

HASH #242-HZH3
Aug 1 @ 10:15

HASH #242-HZH3

Hash is going to the water park! Bring a swimsuit and a towel as post-Hash for the ON-ON, we’ll get wet to cool off!

Hash Hares: Just Anja and Purple Pill

Meetup Point: 森波水乐园 湘湖旅游景区湘湖路1515号 (Senbo Water Park, Xianghu Road 1515, Xiaoshan)

Date: Saturday , August 1, 2020

Time: 10:15 AM (arrival); 10:30 AM (chalk talk)

Note: This will be an A-A walk/run (there will be a place for your bags!) There are also changing rooms and lockers within the park.

Haberdashery: Hash tank tops are ready for pickup–come get them at the Hash! We also still have socks for sale for 40RMB/pair!

Hash Cash: 20 RMB (including snacks and drinks)

Senbo Water Park Cost: One adult ticket is 238RMB (according to Dianping). Let us know below if you’re joining so we can plan accordingly!

We’re looking for Hares. Contact @Box Opener or @Purple Pill if you’re interested!

Do you like to sing on or off key? Do you like leading people in musical numbers? Do you like your singing with random swear words in lots of languages? We got a spot for you! Hangzhou hash needs a Song Master..let Purple Pill or Box Opener know if you’re interested!

HASH #243-HZH3
Aug 8 @ 14:15

HASH #243-HZH3

Hash is heading downtown for some exploring near West Lake!

Hash Hares: Pa Pa Pa and Just Eva

Meetup Point: 黄龙洞 (西湖区 黄龙商圈曙光路69号)

Date: Saturday, August 8, 2020

Time: 2:15 PM (arrival); 2:30PM (chalk talk)

Note: This will be an A-A walk/run (there will be a place for your bags!)

Haberdashery: Hash tank tops are ready for pickup–come get them at the Hash! We also still have socks for sale for 40RMB/pair!

Hash Cash: 20 RMB (including snacks and drinks)

We’re looking for Hares for this fall. Contact @Box Opener or @Purple Pill if you’re interested!

HASH #244-HZH3
Aug 22 @ 15:15

HZH Hash #244-HZH3

We’re back next weekend for a BIRTHDAY HASH! Join Box Opener and Sergeant Jockstrap as they celebrate their SAME birthday two days early in Liangzhu:

Meetup Point: 星巴克良渚文化村店/Xingbake Liangzhu Wenhuacundian (We’ll meet at the food court here with Starbucks as an easy landmark)

Date: Saturday, August 22, 2020

Time: 3:15PM (chalk talk); 3:30PM (Hash). Note the later start time to account for the recent extreme heat.

Hash Cash: 20 RMB

Getting there: Take Line 2 (orange) to it’s northwesternmost end point (Liangzhu). From there, bike, Didi, or walk the remaining two kilometers to the starting point.

Note: this will be an A-A walk/run. No need to carry your bags!

Haberdashery: We have quite a few shirts ready for pickup! Come and get them at the Hash!

We’re always looking for Hares! Contact Box Opener or Purple Pill if you’re interested.

HASH #245-HZH3: LIVE Threesome Hash
Sep 5 @ 14:00

HASH #245-HZH3LIVE Threesome Hash

Ever wanted to be part of a LIVE threesome? Now’s your chance! We promise that this threesome hash will be the best Hash ever with the best beer stop in all history. It will be a LIVE hash so you better watch out because your Hares will not know—nor will they care—if you fall into the valley. For this Hash, we’ll be meeting in Longwu China Tea Town, a virgin place heretofore untouched by the likes of Hangzhou Hashers.

Meetup Point: 龙坞茶村上城埭路茶村1号(周末风餐厅)/ Zhou Mo Feng Restaurant, #1 Tea Village, Shangchengdaicun, Longwu Tea Village

Date: Saturday, September 5, 2020

Time: 2:00PM (chalk talk); 2:15PM (Hash)

Hash Cash: 20 RMB

Getting there: Search for上城埭 (Shangchengdai) bus station, which is connected to Metro Line 4 via bus transfer. If you’re planning to arrive by public transportation, plan ahead; it takes a while to get there. For a more direct route, take a taxi or Didi. ­

Note: this will be an A-A walk/run. Bags can be stored at the restaurant.

Haberdashery: We have quite a few shirts ready for pickup! Come and get them at the Hash

We’re always looking for Hares! Contact Box Opener or Purple Pill if you’re interested.

20th All China Nash Hash @ Sanya, Hainan
Sep 11 – Sep 13 all-day

For more information on the 20th All China Nash Hash, please visit:

HASH #246-HZH3
Sep 26 @ 14:00

HASH #246-HZH3

Hangzhou Hash is heading up north to Gongshu with Doggie Style and a virgin Hare! Join us this Saturday for yet another afternoon of debauchery

Meetup Point: 虎山公园(杭州市拱墅区虎山路金广济路) Hushan Gongyuan

Date: Saturday, September 26, 2020

Time: 2:00PM (chalk talk); 2:15PM (Hash)

Hares: Doggie Style and Just Kelsey

Hash Cash: 20 RMB

Note: this will be an A-A walk/run. Bags can be stored while we’re out!

We’re always looking for Hares! Contact Box Opener or Purple Pill if you’re interested.

If you’re interested in joining, please add Box Opener/Matt on WeChat by searching for 15168462744.

HASH #247-HZH3
Oct 6 @ 14:00

Hares: Rocketman and The Shitting Dutchman

HASH #247-HZH3

Full Moon Hash at QCC (Qianjiang Century City). Bring anything that can glimmer, glow, glint, or glare. We hashers are going to light up the night. LIVE Hash. Glimmer sticks will will distributed on site.

Meetup Point: 奉天东里 Fengtiandongli Restaurant(萧山区钱江世纪城公园A7-1)
A7-1, Qianjiang Century City Park, Xiaoshan

Walk 200 meters from Line 2 exit B.

Date: Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Time: 6:00PM (chalk talk and gear up, Hares start); 6:20PM (Hash starts)

Hares: Rocketman and The Shitting Dutchman

Hash Cash: 20 RMB

Note: this will be an A-A walk/run. Bags can be stored while we’re out!

We’re always looking for Hares! Contact Box Opener or Purple Pill if you’re interested.

Interested in joining? Contact Box Opener/Matt by searching 15168462744 on WeChat.

Drunken Dragons (Shanghai) #310: Mandarin Island Run
Oct 17 @ 13:00

This event is a highlight of the Drunken Dragon Hash, with two awesome Hares: FFB, who is hareing this run for the third time, and the equally experienced Power Bottom.

The Hash will be on Changxing Island (well within the Shanghai boundary) where you will have a rare chance to run through Mandarin Groves. Then there will be a circle with copious quantities of ice cold Tsingtao beer followed by a bash at a farmer style restaurant where the owners and chefs will be looking forward to our hash’s return.

Meeting Point: The Portman Hotel (West Nanjing Road) at 1PM for a prompt 1:15PM bus departure.

To secure your seat, please forward your early bird payment to Forest Dump via WeChat pay (150RMB men; 120RMB females). Registrations after 1PM on October 10 will cost an extra 20RMB.

Red Dress Charity Run/Walk
Oct 24 @ 14:00

Join us for Hangzhou’s Red Dress Charity Run/Walk!

Who are the Hangzhou Hash House Harriers?

The Hash House Harriers are a group of loosely affiliated running/jogging/walking groups around the world. A group of Hashers (“the pack” or “the hounds”) follow a trail set by (a) fellow Hasher(s) (“the hare(s)”) who has/have run the trail earlier that day leaving marks in flour and/or chalk so the hounds know where to run. The running is not taken terribly seriously and there are enough false trails, checks, and other tricks to keep the speedy front runners looking for the right trail while the slow and steady runners and the walkers catch up (normally while taking pictures).

Hashing began in Kuala Lumpur in the 1930s with a group of British colonial officials who would meet at the Selangor Club (also known as the Hash House) and set off to chase the hare. Nearly 100 years later, we do the same in Hangzhou, along with thousands of other kennels in cities around the world.

What is the Red Dress Run/Walk?

In 1987, a woman named Donna Rhinehart was taken to a hash in Long Beach, California, to be introduced to the sport. She was invited to “wait in the truck” until her host returned. Instead, Rhinehart joined the hash in her red dress. The following year, the San Diego Hash House Harriers sent Rhinehart an airline ticket to attend the inaugural “Red Dress Run”. Hundreds of hashers wore red dresses for the event which was widely covered by local media. In addressing the crowd, Rhinehart suggested that such hashes might be held to raise funds for local charities. This year, the Hangzhou Hash House Harriers are raising money for Heart to Heart, a Shanghai-based charity which provides corrective surgery for Chinese children from all over China with congenital heart disease (CHD) whose parents are unable to afford the surgery.

Date: Saturday, October 24, 2020

When: 1:30-2PM check in; 2PM chalk talk: 2:15PM start. Rain or shine, we Hash!

Where: Brewgang, Zhongshan Nan Road #422-434; 上乘西餐啤酒吧, 中山南路422-434号

Directions: Take the metro to Line 5 江城路 (Jiangcheng Road) Exit H. From there, proceed ~900 meters to Brewgang on foot, by bike, or by Didi.

Hares: “Just Ronan” and Gone with the Bush

Bag Storage: This will be an A-A walk/run. Hashers can leave their bags at Brewgang!

Distance: The walker trail will be ~5-7k and the runner trail ~10-15k.

Dress Code: See below for ideas! There will be a mandatory fine (donation) of 25RMB for not following the dress code, along with down-downs.

Hash Cash: 100RMB run/walk and Circle (Hash Cash of the Day goes to Heart to Heart Shanghai. Extra donations encouraged, especially through our 50/50 raffle!)

Haberdashery: 50RMB HZH3 Red Dress Run 2020 limited edition patch; 25RMB HZH3 Red Dress Run/Walk 2020 limited edition poster. If you purchase BOTH, then you’ll only need to pay 69RMB. We will only have THREE posters available on Saturday, October 24, so make sure you pre-order. We will also have other Hash gear on sale!

Bash (Buffet Dinner)/On-On-On: 108RMB per person. Please contact Matt/Box Opener once you’ve registered to reserve a space for the buffet! See menu below:

3 starters: Popcorn chicken, Mexican nachos (can be made vegetarian with meat sauce served separately), and French fries

1 salad: Mixed fruits salad

2 mains: Toasted American chicken and vegetarian fried rice

Registration: To register and submit payment, please fill out the registration link HERE or scan the QR code below:

Refunds: NO REFUNDS WILL BE ISSUED AFTER YOU HAVE PAID. All money (excluding buffet cost) will be donated to charity.

Hash Hotel: For any out of towners, we recommend staying near Brewgang at 五洋公馆 (杭州河坊街火车城站店) (Wuyang Gongguan; location near Hefang Road Train Station) on 上城区建国南路205号 (Shangcheng District, Jianguo Nan Road #205). Rooms will be ~260RMB per night or less and includes breakfast. For any help with booking, please Contact Doggie Style/Eva via WeChat by adding Evachen920.

Families: Although children may attend our Red Dress Run/Walk (under the stewardship of a parent or legal guardian), this is not greatly encouraged due to the adult-sized trails, beer drinking, and questionable song lyrics.

Pets: Pets are not welcome for the Red Dress Run/Walk.

Questions? Contact Box Opener/Matt via WeChat by adding 15168462744.

HASH #248-HZH3: Full Moon/Halloween Monster Hash
Oct 31 @ 19:30


“I was working in the lab, late one night / When my eyes beheld an eerie sight / For my monster from his slab, began to rise / And suddenly to my surprise…

He did the Hash, he did the monster Hash! / The monster Hash, it was a graveyard smash! / He did the Hash, it caught on in a flash / He did the Hash, he did the monster Hash!”

Did you know that this Saturday, October 31 is a full moon AND Halloween ? Well, add threesome to that list because Anal Gatorade, Four’s a Crowd, and Gone with the Bush are hosting a special MONSTER HASH!

Meetup Point: 乐提港A座 Ledigang Building A

Date: Saturday, October 31, 2020

Time: 7:30PM (chalk talk); 7:45PM (Hash). This hash will be shorter than normal so folks can party after

Hares: Anal Gatorade, Four’s a Crowd, and Gone with the Bush

Note: Costumes are REQUIRED! There will be down-downs for those not dressed in proper Halloween attire.

Required listening before the Hash: “Monster Mash” by Bobby Pickett (

Hash Cash: 20 RMB

On-on/On-on-on: Your choice of dinner (on-on) and/or an after party (on-on-on) at Morph at the Kempinski Hotel

Note: this will be an A-A walk/run. Bags can be stored while we’re out!

We’re always looking for Hares! Contact Box Opener or Purple Pill if you’re interested.

Interested in joining? Contact Box Opener/Matt by searching 15168462744 on WeChat.