The Hangzhou Hash House Harriers was founded on June 2, 2007 by Peter Lindsay (DoggieStyle), Mikael Bellec (Just Mikael) and Chris Knudson (Pushup). [If anyone has a more precise recollection of the following, please let us know].
After many On! Ons! and Down Downs, those guys left Hangzhou. Around 2009, or so the legend goes, Lillian Yao (Seven Up) and Joe Harbridge (Beastiality) took over. A year later, Joe left town as did Lillian soon after. A few other long-termers along with Jessica Tu (Skidmarks) valiantly tried to keep things going for a few months in late 2010. Three long years passed, until…
After a break of over three years with NO hashing in Hangzhou, the Hangzhou Hash House Harriers was resurrected in early 2014 by Roomboy, H.E.I.D.E. and Sweet F.A. HZH3 Hash #134 was held on the afternoon of Saturday, February 22, 2014, starting at Maya Bar.
Mismanagement was formerly (up to 2019) done by:
- Official Hash WeChat Goup, Website, Event Planning: Shhhhhuttlecock
- WeChat Official Account: Rocketman
- HASH Cash: Ring of Fire + Middle Finger
Mismanagement was formerly (up to 2017) done by:
- Grand Master/Mistress/Mattress: Triple-X + Pain in the Clit
- On-Sec: Pussy Galore
- Religious Advisor: Ring of Fire + Gasbag
- Hash Cash: Pussy Galore
- Songmeisters: Gasbag + Ring of Fire
- Hash Habberdash: ????
Mismanagement was formerly (up to mid-2015) done by:
- Grand Master: H.E.I.D.E.
- Grand Father: Roomboy
- On-Sec / Hash Scribe / Web Wanker: Sweet F.A.
- Religious Advisor: Roomboy
- Hash Cash: H.E.I.D.E. + Sweet F.A.
- Songmeisters: H.E.I.D.E. and Roomboy
- Hash Habberdash: ????
Mismanagement was formerly (up to 2008/2009???) done by:
- Grand Mistress: 7Up
- Grand Fathers: Pushup & DoggieStyle
- On-Sec: DeepThroat
- Religious Advisor: Torvill & Dean
- Scribe: We sort of manage.
- Hash Cash: SheepShagger
- Songmeister: ????
- Hash Habberdash: ????
If you’ve half a mind to join the Hash, that’s all you need. See you on the trail! On on!