After restarting the Hangzhou Hash in Feb 2014, it’s time to say goodbye to the old 2014-15 HZH3 MISmanagement Committee and hello to the new 2015-16 HZH3 MISmanagement Committee!
The named Hashers in attendance at Hash #170 (Sat, 20 June 2015) stayed late after the Bash for a meeting to elect the new HZH3 MISmanagement.
Congratulations to all those elected and chosen for positions on our new HZH3 MISmanagement!!!
***2015-16 HZH3 MISmanagement Committee Election results
Ceremonial leader of the Hangzhou HHH. Takes care of general administrative matters of the Hash. Runs the circle together with the glorious RA.
>>Triple-X / Beverley – Grand Mattress
>>PitC / Bethany – Grand Mistress
*The GMs will take turns
The worst and loudest voice and best memory for weird songs and heinous crimes committed by the assembled Hashers. Guardian of the Cock of Shame. Responsible for Hash Namings and the weather of course!
>>Gasbag / Thierry
>>Magic Footlong / Julian
>>Ring of Fire / Eric
*The RAs will take turns
**Magic Footlong is not on WeChat (yet…?) – Win by a Nip can pass messages
Our official Hash secretary. Publishes and sends out the (roughly) fortnightly HZH3 Hash Newsletter. Also, manages the HZH3 Email account/s and Contact list and is the 1st contact person when interacting with other Hash Kennels. Should liaise with the HZH3 Hash Committee regarding inter-Kennel events. He or she who (very roughly…) keeps track of your run count and thus seeing that you get your due rewards. (Sweet FA has not been doing this…) Also acts as GM and HC when needed.
>>Sweet FA / TimF
Hash Cash
He or she who acts as the treasurer. This Hasher collects and takes care of the money of the run. Also, repays Hares for Hash trail marking supplies and Beer purchased.
>>Pussy Galore / Trisha
Hare Razor
The very sociable Hasher elected to encourage other Hashers to Hare runs. Supposed to know everything there is to know about laying a good trail.
>>Private Dancer / Yuji
*may be assisted by Win by a Nip / Cathy, when required
**all Hashers should encourage others to Hare
Hash Haberdash
The Hashers who design and sell Hash Stash and paraphernalia such as t-shirts, socks, shorts, patches and other novelties.
>>Triple-X / Beverley
*Triple-X will store and sell Hash Stash
**Design duties for future Stash and Haberdash can be open to all Hashers
Hash Flash
He or she responsible for immortalizing with a camera the best (and worst) moments in the Hash…
>>This position is still vacant – Please share your photos!!! 🙂
*Triple-X is willing to collate photos from various sources
**We need to choose a new photo site that is not blocked in China… Ideas?
Hash Scribe
A Hasher with a incredible memory and stunning writing skills. Knows “special tricks“, like how to change font styles and text colours… The Hash Scribe should write the Re-Hash Reports, or delegate someone (e.g. The Hares!!!) to do so.
>>Sweet FA / TimF
>>PitC / Bethany
>>Plus, the Hares for each Hash
Hash Busmaster
The Hasher responsible for making sure hire buses pick us up on time and get us where we are suppposed to be going on road trip Hashes.
>>Sheep Shagger / Ray
Hash Icemaster
The Hasher responsible for ordering ice and making sure the beers are cold.
>>Comes Too Fast / Sunny
Hash Trailmeister
The Hasher who thinks they know every trail in and around our fair city and for helping Hares to find little known trails, if they need assistance.
>>Sweet FA / TimF
It’s going to be a great year ahead with our new MISmanagement team!!!
***Overview of HZH3 in 2014-15
Near the beginning of 2014, the Hangzhou Hash House Harriers (HZH3 / HHHH) was restarted by H.E.I.D.E., Roomboy and Sweet FA after a break of 3 long years of no Hashing in Hangzhou!!! The first new Hangzhou Hash event, HZH3 Hash #134, was held on Sat, 22 Feb 2014. It started at that favourite haunt of Hangzhou Hashers, Maya Bar, of course! 🙂
We also did some great bus trip 1-day and 2-day (weekend) Hashes and cooperated a few times with the Shanghai Drunken Dragon H3 (DDH3), the Suzhou H3 (SZH3), the Shanghai Taiping H3 (TH3) and the Shanghai H3 (SH3).
In 2015, from 21 – 24 May, the HZH3 also hosted the 14th All China Nash Hash (ACNH2015). It was a great and successful event. It’s a credit to all HZH3 Hashers for making it successful, but special thanks to the ACNH2015 Committee, Hares and Helpers for all their enthusiasm, hard work and effort!
See lots more ACNH2015 photos on Facebook here (VPN required):
Thanks to all the 2014-15 MISmanagement team, Helpers and Hares for all their efforts to rebuild the Hangzhou Hash since the restart.
To those who have left Hangzhou, the legends of your exploits will live on forever!!! Or, maybe just until we forget… It’s the beer, I tell you!
And, for those who are staying, you still have the chance to let your new exploits become HZH3 legends!
***2014-15 MISmanagement and Helpers
- GM – H.E.I.D.E. with help from Triple-X and PitC
- RA – Roomboy with help from Gasbag, Private Parts and Magic Footlong
- On-Sec – Sweet FA
- Trailmeisters – Private Parts and Sweet FA
- Hash Flash – Heavy Junk and Triple-X
- Busmaster – Sheep Shagger
- Hash Cash – H.E.I.D.E. and Sweet FA
- Hash Scribe – Sweet FA
Cheers and On! On!
Sweet FA / TimF
HZH3 On-Sec
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