HZH3 Hash #193 Three Kings Run

The Three Kings Run.  Come join us in running or walking off all the treats and delights you may have indulged in during the Christmas Season. We have 3 Kings who I am told may be bearing some gifts.  Gold, frankincense, and myrrh you ask?  I think more like beer, flour, and chalk. Nevertheless, they will help with any New Year’s resolutions of exercise and drinking.

Whether you’re a runner 跑步者, a jogger 慢跑者 or a walker 走步/爬山者, come along and hit the country roads and tea field trails while chasing the ‘hares’ through the forests and over the hills around Hangzhou with us. 欢迎大家!

Hares 带路野兔”:  Gasbag, Just “Jake”, and Just “Chett”


Where: HZH3 Hash #193 start / finish / Bash venue – QingZhiWu No. 1 Restaurant
Date 活动日期: Saturday, 7 January 2017
Meeting time 见面时间: 13:30 (1.30pm) – Please be early for the pre-Hash instructions and to store your bag!!!
Hash run/walk starts 出发时间: 14:00 (2pm) sharp!

193 map193

#193  Start Location 出发地点:
We will start the #193 HZH3 Hash at QingZhiWu No. 1 Restaurant  (青芝坞壹号餐厅) at #1 QingZhiWu near Yugu Road  (青芝坞 1号, 近玉古路), just outside the Zhejiang University South gate and about 200m south of the Hangzhou Botanic Gardens main gate  (在浙大玉泉校区南门外 – 近杭州植物园).  See maps above.

Baidu 百度地图 Map (click link):   http://j.map.baidu.com/ndVb4

Cost 费用: 20RMB – Covers: run/hike, beer and snacks. 包括: 跑步/爬山,啤酒,小吃.

After the #193 Hash we’ll have the “Circle” to award Down Downs (beer provided 免费啤酒) for transgressions of Hash etiquette or protocol, errors of judgement, and various other misdemeanors, and then everyone is invited to join us for the Bash (dinner 晚餐).
NOTE: The Bash has a separate cost. 注意:晚餐是另一个费用.

Any and all complaints should be directed at mismanagement where they will be promptly ignored.

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