Run #135 – The “Hola Amigos” Run

Hello again HZH3 Hashers and those who want to be,

After our very successful restart Hash #134 on Sat, 22 Feb, the HZH3 Mismanagement have put their heads together and worked out (quite) firm dates for Hashes #135, #136 and #137. See the Receding Hareline page for initial details on the latter 2 of those and other future events. This is changed from the previous Receding Hareline info.

Whether you’re a runner, a jogger or a walker, come along and hit the convoluted roads and twisting forest trails while chasing the “hares” through the tea fields and over the hills around Hangzhou with us.

Here are the details of HZH3 Hash #135 – The “Hola Amigos” Run: 

中文 Chinese 豆瓣 (Douban) link:

Date: Saturday, 22 Mar 2014

Time: Meet at 14:30 (2.30pm) – Hash run/walk starts at 15:00 (3pm) sharp!

Start Location: We will start the #135 HZH3 Hash at Amigo Bar and Restaurant (雅谷酒吧) at 8 Yugu Road (玉古路8号) near the Hangzhou Botanic Gardens (靠近杭州植物园 ZhiWuYuan). Amigo Bar and Restaurant website and Google Map (click link)

Hares: H.E.I.D.E. & Roomboy

Cost: 20RMB – run/walk, beer and snacks

Bus: Catch buses to the Zhejiang University Yuquan campus on Yugu Road at Zheda Road (500m walk) OR to the Botanic Gardens gate on Yugu Road (100m walk) OR to the Yuquan Bus Station on Yuquan and Lingyin Roads (500m walk).

After the #135 Hash we’ll have the “Circle” to award down downs (beer provided) for transgressions of Hash etiquette or protocol, errors of judgement, and various other misdemeanours, and then everyone is invited to join us for the Bash (dinner). NOTE: The Bash has a separate cost.

From this event on, you can expect HZH3 Hash runs roughly (or sometimes VERY roughly… if the hares had a big night out on the night before…) every other Saturday (i.e. fortnightly) and both runners’ and walkers’ trails will usually be set.

It’s fun, it’s social, it’s healthy (mostly…), so come along and be a part of it!!!

On! On!

Hangzhou Hash House Harriers (HHHH / HZH3) Mismanagement
HZH3 Email:  mismanagement [AT]
HZH3 Website:

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