Hey Hashers!
It was great to have such a big group of Hashers along for HZH3 Hash #142 starting and finishing at Amigo Bar and Restaurant on Sat, 5 July. It was made even more special as this was our first time hosting a group of visiting Hashers with Creme Brulee and the other 8 Shanghai Drunken Dragons.
The lead Hare was Gasbag, and he was well supported by Just “Sunny” and Just “Jessica” on the day. I think you’ll all agree that Gasbag did a super job of making one of the most interesting Hash trails we’ve done so far!
The leaders of the pack really LOVED those two 180degree turn arounds on the running trail, I’m sure… 😉
It was a hot and sweaty afternoon (and Hangzhou is going to be getting even hotter!) and the pack spread out as the front running bastards got a big lead. Phonebox decided to walk very slowly and carefully down most of the big downhill, which spread the pack out even more. Better safe than sorry though!
Everyone was very happy to get back to Amigo and crack open some cold beers and water bottles after a pretty tough Hash run.
The Circle proceeded well too with Private Parts stepping up and ably leading us with some help from the very experienced Gasbag. Private Parts really set a good example because he had obviously been practicing all the new songs I put in the last HZH3 Newsletter a lot! Well done, Private Parts.
Don’t make the mistake of wearing new shoes to the Hash! Or, at least don’t admit that they are new shoes… 😉 At least now we know that Birkhoff doesn’t swallow!
About 20+ Hashers (including many of the Drunken Dragons) stayed at Amigo Bar for the hearty and delicious Bash dinner. Thanks to Just “Logan” for keeping things on track at Amigo too.
For future reference, for those who worry that Amigo is too expensive, you might consider having one of the Salads which were just 38rmb and VERY big and tasty!!!
Lots of photos are up from the HZH3 Hash #142 – “The Mad Dogs and Frenchmen Run” (Sat, 5 Jul 2014)!!! See just a few of them below.
HZH3 Photo Albums: https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/107957162966260073626/albums
If you have other good/funny photos you’d like to share, then please send them to our HZH3 Mismanagement email address: mismanagement [AT] hangzhou-hhh [DOT] org
On! On!
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